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跟谁学CEO:没想到浑水也搅合进来 稍后会心平气和回应

网易科技讯 5月18日消息,浑水今日再次发布做空报告称,怀疑跟谁学至少有80%的收入造假,甚至可能是90%以上。对此跟谁学创始人、董事长兼CEO陈向东在朋友圈回应称,“没有想到Muddy Water也搅合进来了,这次,我们会心平气和地在稍后给予回应。”


没有想到Muddy Water也搅合进来了,这次,我们会心平气和地在稍后给予回应。好公司就是好公司,因为,跟谁学的一万多名小伙伴们一直在用奋斗书写青春年华,一直在用“将心注入,全力以赴”阐释美妙岁月!


GSX Responses to Muddy Water’s Short Report

On the morning of May 18 US Time, Muddy Waters Research issued a short report against GSX. The Company believes the report contains inaccurate and disorderly data courses, and demonstrates a lack of understanding of GSX’s business.

GSX is committed to disclosing timely and accurate information and data about its operations and financial condition.

We will provide a full rebuttal of Muddy Waters Research’s allegations in detail in the near future.

GSX Techedu Inc.

May 18, 2020

延伸阅读 再遭浑水做空称80%收入造假 跟谁学:财务数据真实 跟谁学回应香橼第三份做空报告:谴责用不实指控做空行为 跟谁学高管再次回应:做空报告的恶意简直令人发指

网址: 跟谁学CEO:没想到浑水也搅合进来 稍后会心平气和回应 http://m.xishuta.com/newsview23221.html
